Last Update: May 25, 2022
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List of college prep courses; "a-g" Course Requirements for UC/CSU Admission Eligibility
Information on WHS English Sequences and Pathways
F/S = Semester Course | (+) = Honors Point | (*) = Possible Course |
GRADE 10 |
GRADE 11 |
GRADE 12 |
English 1
Grade Level: 9 | Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) | UC/CSU "b" requirement
Have you ever composed a piece of writing you are proud of? Have you considered that reading and listening can be both forms of entertainment, and resources for gaining empathy for those who are different from you? Do you know how to write and speak in a variety of ways for different audiences and occasions? Did you know that your use of correct grammar, formatting, spelling, and capitalization can make your message more persuasive and your personal brand more appealing to others? Do you know what digital citizenship really means? In this college prep course, we will be addressing these questions as we improve our reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. In English 1, we will guide you through how to study and produce fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama. This course will prepare you for all of your future English courses at WHS and lay the foundation for success in college and your future career.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Write in a variety of ways for different purposes and audiences, while adhering to standard written English conventions.
- Read and analyze texts that span a wide range of genres, topics, and contexts.
- Ask critical questions, summarize and analyze texts, and make connections to their own experiences and to the world around them.
- Participate in small and large-group discussions surrounding course content.
- Use technology appropriately to both access and create materials related to course content.
Grade Level: 9 | Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) | UC/CSU "b" requirement
This college-prep course satisfies the “b” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU school.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to….
- Possess an understanding of an expanded, mature vocabulary necessary for college preparedness.
- Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of genres of literature including both fiction and non-fiction: poetry, short stories, novels, dramas, essays, and speeches.
- Understand the process of composing essays in the three Common Core modes and demonstrate their ability to produce an appropriate response controlled by a central idea as directed by a writing prompt.
- Articulate their ideas in speech, as well as writing, in the classroom setting in forms which may vary from Socratic discussions to small group interaction.
- Ask critical questions, summarize and analyze texts, and make connections to their own experiences and to the world around them.
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendations from the middle schools; A solid background in the basic concepts of grammar: parts of speech, rules of capitalization and punctuation; A sense of maturity, self-discipline, and responsibility are expected.
Practical English 1
Grade Level: 9 | Term: Yearlong | Level: High School Graduation Credit
Practical English 1 is a special education class, consisting of specialized academic instruction where students will enhance their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills as they study fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. Practical English 1 begins to lay the foundation for the rest of a student’s English career at WHS as well as beyond high school. Enrollment in this class is based on a student’s IEP team decision that this class is appropriate. The curricular focus is based on the student’s individual needs (accommodations/modifications and identified goals) agreed to by the IEP team.
Prerequisite: Recommendation from IEP Team
Grade Level: 10 | Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) | UC/CSU "b" requirement
In this college prep course, students will address essential questions through a variety of written and literary genres. Skills embedded within these units will focus on vocabulary development, reading comprehension, literary response, writing strategies, writing applications, speaking skills/discussions, and grammar. This study is based on the objectives outlined in the Common Core State Standards.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Analyze and communicate effectively through written narratives, expository essays, argumentative essays, on-demand essays, and journal entries.
- Comprehend textual information in the form of content rich non-fiction articles, short stories, poetry, drama, and novels.
- Have conversations to engage with grade level topics, build on ideas, and express ideas clearly. Students will present information, findings, and support evidence clearly. They will continuing to adapt their speech to a variety of contents and tasks to demonstrate a command of formal English.Communicate information orally through class presentations and classroom/journal discussions.
Grade Level: 10 | Term: Yearlong | Level: Advanced Placement (AP)+ | UC/CSU "b" requirement
This College Board approved sophomore honors course satisfies the “b” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU school and carries a weighted grade point. The course engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in a variety of rhetorical contexts, and skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes. Both their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writer’s purposes, audience expectations, and subjects as well as the way genre conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Understand the methodology of the use of rhetoric in a variety of mediums, including: speeches, informational texts, fiction, visuals, etc.
- Write in a variety of genres and understand how their knowledge of rhetoric impacts their own writing.
- Evaluate the appropriateness of resources and how to use a variety of resources to develop arguments.
- Effectively participate in conversations with their peers both orally and in writing.
- Use appropriate technology to enhance learning, understanding, and applying course content.
Prerequisites: Grade of B or higher in both semesters of English 1 Honors or an A in English 1 with written recommendation of 9th grade English teacher.
Grade Level: 10 | Term: Yearlong | Level: High School Graduation Credit
Directed English 2 is a special education class, consisting of specialized academic instruction where students will enhance their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills as they study fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. Directed English 2 continues to build a student’s English skills as they progress through their English career at WHS as well as beyond high school. Enrollment in this class is based on a student’s IEP team decision that this class is appropriate. The curricular focus is based on the student’s individual needs (accommodations/modifications and identified goals) agreed to by the IEP team.
Prerequisite: Recommendation from IEP Team
Grade Level: 11 | Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) | UC/CSU "b" requirement
American Literature is a college prep course that satisfies the “b” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU school. Students will develop college and career skills through varied analytical and writing tasks focused on essential questions. Students will engage in thematic units that guide them through a range of American literature, with selections from the nation’s foundational documents to its more contemporary works.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Analyze a variety of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and apply their ideas in both writing and discussion.
- Complete short-term research relating to argumentative writing
- Identify, analyze, and incorporate rhetorical devices in their own writing and the writings of others.
- Lead and contribute to discussions on author’s craft, literary techniques, and life issues as reflected in literature.
- Create a draft of a personal essay for college and scholarship applications.
- Use appropriate technology to enhance learning, understanding, and application of course content.
Grade Level: 11 | Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory/Honors (CP)+ | UC/CSU "b" requirement
This one year course is a survey of American Literature from the beginning of the United States to the present. This class will trace the historical, political, and cultural development of America as reflected in its literature through key movements and authors. The reading for this course covers genres such as fiction, non-fiction, drama, historical documents, poetry, and literary criticism. This course is designed to prepare the student for Advanced Placement Literature, as well as to be successful in a collegiate environment. Honors American Literature is a college prep course that satisfies the “b” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU college. It carries an honors weighted grade point.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Develop critical thinking and literary analysis skills through the use of active reading strategies
- Develop effective writing skills within the analytical and argumentative writing domains
- Represent their level of understanding of the content as well as disciplinary skills through the use of class discussions, presentations, and other formats
Prerequisite: Grade of B or better in both semesters of AP English Language Composition or a written recommendation of 10th grade English teacher.