Irvine Valley College

IVC Offers 3 types of dual enrollment for high school students:

  1. General Dual Enrollment: This program includes all general courses that are not listed in the two programs below. First priority for admission will be offered to community college students. Space permitting, high school students who meet the prerequisites may be eligible to enroll.
  2.  College & Career Access Pathways (CCAP): CCAP is a part-time dual enrollment program designed for students in grades 9-12 to enroll in specifically designated community college level courses taught by Irvine Valley College and in agreement with IUSD schools. Only high school students are enrolled in theses courses. 
  3. IVC/IUSD Summer College: Courses offered in the summer by Irvine Valley College in agreement with IUSD schools.

For more information regarding Dual Enrollment, please click HERE

General Dual enrollment courses FOR IVC

  • As a Dual Enrollment student, you can enroll in IVC courses to earn high school or college credit.
  • After you complete the steps to apply, you can register for any IVC class on a space available basis.


To register, you must complete the following steps:

To Register:

Visit to apply for the Summer, Fall, or Spring terms

1.  After you receive your IVC student ID number, familiarize yourself with the IVC Mysite Portal. 

Watch the tutorial "How to navigate MySite video" to familiarize your self with the MySite Portal.

2. Active your IVC Email and update your password. On MySite, click the “Profile” icon in the top right of the page. Your IVC Email Address is listed here.

Once you submit your form electronically, student, parent, and school administrator will sign the document electronically

3. Determine which IVC class(es) you want to take and determine if they require corequisites or prerequisites. And complete the required Dual Enrollment Form

Available courses are listed on the IVC Class Schedule

Corequisites and prerequisites are listed under the course titles.

  • If you plan to enroll in a course that requires a prerequisite, you must demonstrate satisfactory completion of the prerequisite or take the appropriate assessment.
  • Click here for more information on how to clear a prerequisite.

View Registration Appointment, then register online on or after your registration appointment through MySite

4.  Once all signatures are attained, the form will be automatically submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records. Processing time is 2 business days from final signature (excluding weekends and college holidays).

The approved courses will be assigned to the student account by IVC Admissions staff. Assigning  approved course(s) to a student’s account DOES NOT mean that the student is registered for course(s). Assigning courses permits the registration system to allow a student to enroll themselves in the requested course(s) on their assigned registration date.

Your assigned registration appointment will be listed under "Appointments" in MySiteYou may register on or after your registration appointment before the class begins AND providing the class is still open.

  • 9th –12th grade students may register online through MySite
  • K - 8 students cannot enroll themselves through MySite. We will enroll them after we receive approval from both the dean and instructor of each class listed on the General Dual Enrollment Form.
  • K - 12 Students are allowed to enroll in up to 11 units per term.

Watch: How to Register for Classes Video »

After the class begins OR if the class is closed:

  • Choose the Waitlist option for the class if it is available
  • Attend the first day of class and request an APC (Add Permit Code)
  • Follow registration instructions above using the APC Code


AJ 2- Intro to Administration Justice (61080) 
BIO 1- The Life Science (60085)
BIO1L-The Life Science Laboratory (60100)
CIM 110- Information Technology Essentials (9005) 
CIM 117- Social Media Marketing (61475A)
MGT 1- Introduction to Business (61385 or 61450) 
MUS 28- History of Rock Musics (# pending)
Psych 1- Introduction to Psychology (61260 or 61820)
WR 1- College Writing (62335)
BIO 10- Biochemistry for Health Sciences (6244) 


Complete the following steps to register:

Step 1

For instructions on how to apply for the IVC/IUSD Summer College Program, visit --->"How to Enroll"

Step 2

Once you have your IVC ID, click HERE and log in. Students will use their IVC email address and password to access the electronic IUSD Summer Dual Enrollment Form.

  • The student’s default password is their pin number, plus two zeros at the end.
    Example: If your pin number is 1234, your password will be 123400. If you previously changed your password, use the updated password to log in.
  • The IUSD Summer Dual Enrollment Form requires:
     •   Students electronic signature
     •   Parent/Guardian electronic signature.
     •   Principal’s permission or authorized designee electronic signature.

Step 3

Once all signatures are attained, the form will be automatically submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records. Processing time is 2 business days from final signature (excluding weekends and college holidays).

The registration system will allow a student to enroll themselves in the requested course(s) on their assigned registration date.

Your assigned registration appointment will be listed under "Appointments" in MySite. You may register on or after your registration appointment before the class begins AND providing the class is still open.

Register for a class after it begins or if the class is closed

  • Choose the Waitlist option for the class if it is available
  • Attend the first day of class and request an APC (Add Permit Code)
  • Follow registration instructions above using the APC Code

Enrollment fees are waived for 9th -12th grade students. Measure BB will cover the Health Fee, and if applicable, the non-resident tuition and capital outlay fees

Step 4

Register for the class on or after your registration appointment (late April)

IUSD will notify students with missing paperwork by early April. Students with completed paperwork or are ready because they've been active IVC students will also be notified in early April.

Once your registration window opens, you can register for the class by logging in to  MySite (Legacy or Banner) > My Classes > Add/Drop Classes.

If the class is full, you can add to the Waitlist and be notified by your college email with a time window to enroll if seats become available

Step 5

Show up to class on day 1 and log in to IVC's Canvas

Log in to the IVC Portal using your username and password. Select Canvas from the list of applications. This is where you will find the class information, NOT on your K-12 school district Canvas. Your class will show up on Canvas (learning platform) 4-6 hours after officially enrolling in the course and by the first week of class.

Students that don't show up to class on day 1 or fail to complete week 1 tasks in online courses will automatically be dropped as "no shows."

Students should ensure they have their textbooks prior to the start of class

CCAP - College & career access pathways (Spring 2025)

Irvine Unified School District and Irvine Valley College have partnered to offer the following “Dual Enrollment” courses to IUSD students during the Spring 2025 Semester:

  • ASL 22: Beginning American Sign Language: Tu/Th 7-8:25 am @ WHS
  • BIOT 70: Introduction to Bio Technology: Fully online
  • DMP 22: Basic Model Making Tu/Thu 2:25- 3:50 pm @ WHS
  • ENGR 11: Intro to Electrical Engineering: Fully online
  • Math 26- Introduction Linear Algebra: M/W 7-9:30 pm @ IVC RM: B 209
  • MGT 68: International Business: T 6-7:30 Online

What are CCAP classes?

  • IVC classes offered on IUSD campuses either during the school day, online or after school
  • IVC courses taught by IVC professors
  • Courses that allow high school students to earn college credit, transferable to UC and/or CSU


Steps to Enroll in IVC CCAP Courses

In order to enroll in CCAP courses during the fall/spring term, students must complete Irvine Valley College’s CCAP Dual-Enrollment Steps. Here is IVC’s step-by-step guide:

 Those steps include:

  1. Applying to IVC through CCCApply
  2. Waiting to receive an email with your IVC student number (this takes 24 hours)
  3. Filling out the CCAP K-12 Form for Permission
    1. Once the student fills out this form – it will be automatically sent for signature.
      1. Parent Email
      2. Principal Email
      3. **Please note, only one CCAP form is required to have access to all future CCAP course offerings. You do not need to fill out a new CCAP for each term once completed.
  4. You will be emailed a special permission code (APC) and instructions to add the course, once course registration opens in May.

More information about K-12 Dual-Enrollment can be found here as well:


IVC Transfer Agreement Guarantee 

Are you interested in learning about the Transfer Agreement Guarantees (TAG) offered at Irvine Valley College? To watch previous recorded workshop, click HERE

IVC Honors Program

The process has been updated for incoming freshman to apply and submit their material via email.  Some students have mailed their application packets to IVC directly and the Honors Program is constantly checking for that correspondence.  For students that have not completed their application, they will follow the process below:

  • Students will EMAIL application

    A letter of recommendation from a teacher, professor, or counselor who can comment favorably on your academic achievement, work habits, and/or engagement with other students. Students should obtain the letter from the recommender and submit it with their application.

    A portfolio of student work that includes a minimum of 3 items that demonstrate academic potential. Items in portfolio should be clearly labeled with your name and may include (but are not limited to) writing samples, artwork, and multimedia presentations. Compile all 3 items into a single PDF document; do not submit Google document links.

  • Unofficial transcripts are ACCEPTED

The link below provides updated details about the process for incoming freshman. 

IVC Honors Program Link:

Matriculation Steps

Priority Registration For Your First Year!

Designed for new students who have never attended college, Irvine Valley College's Freshman Advantage Program gives students the opportunity to apply early, receive an early Freshman Advantage registration time, and enroll in courses ahead of most currently enrolled Irvine Valley College (IVC) students. Current high school seniors can apply to IVC for the upcoming fall semester starting on October 1.

Be sure to complete ALL the Steps to Become an IVC Student by the respective semester deadlines.


Qualification Guidelines

To qualify for the 2024-25 academic year, you must complete ALL the Steps to Become an IVC Student BY MAY 7, 2024.


  1. Select the Fall 2024 term in your application
  2. Select an Entry Level as a "first-time college student (after high school)"
  3. Enter your full high school graduation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Future correspondence from IVC will be sent to the email address you provided in your IVC admissions application.


For questions or additional information please email

IVC Counselor Services

Counselor Marcy Mendoza is available for appointments to talk about first semester plans, recommended courses and transfer.

  • To schedule an appointment email Marcy Mendoza at Be sure that your email states the following:
    • Full name
    • IVC Student ID# (if student already has one)
    • High School Name
    • Brief question

*** Allow 48 business hours for reply***