Visual and Performing Arts / Career Technical Education

Visual and Performing Arts

vapa pathway

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F/S = Semester Course (+) = Honors Point (*) = Possible Course


Career and Technical Education

Information on WHS  CTE Sequences and Pathways

Click on the name of the course to go directly to its description.

F/S = Semester Course

(+) = Honors Point (*) = Possible Course



Fine Arts


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Art Studio is a prerequisite for all other art courses. Elements of art and principles of design will be introduced in this course. Students will explore and apply fundamental design concepts using a variety of materials including graphite pencils, markers, colored pencils, oil pastels, tempera paint, watercolor paint, collage, scratch board and paper mache. Students will combine, evaluate and apply new knowledge and life experiences to create original works that demonstrate newly acquired skills, information and insights. This course contains brief elements of art history as it applies to the curriculum. Students will be introduced to creative thinking and critical problem solving skills. 


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Understand the principles of design (balance, proportion, rhythm, emphasis and unity) as well as art elements (line, shape, form, color, texture, space, and value).
  • Create original works of art using a variety of media.
  • Justify their creative decisions both verbally as well as written using appropriate terminology.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of composition.
  • Utilize problem solving skills related to artistic creations.

Prerequisite: None


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Painting/Drawing is an intermediate level course intended to give students a variety of art experiences. This course will also give students the opportunity to develop personal expression and creativity. Emphasis is placed on building artistic skills and knowledge of the art elements and principles of design. Students will work toward improving their use of a variety of media that may include graphite, colored pencils, marker, scratch board, pen and ink, watercolor pencils, charcoal, mix media, watercolor, pastels and acrylics. Throughout this class, students will be introduced to professional practices such as, collaboration, deadlines, and presentations. Students will build on their creative thinking and critical problem solving skills.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Apply the principles of design and art elements to create original works. 
  • Demonstrate an intermediate skill level and knowledge of a variety of media.
  • Justify their creative decisions both verbally as well as written.
  • Demonstrate an intermediate level composition in their work.
  • Identify, compare and contrast multiple styles and genres of art.

Prerequisite: Completion of Art Studio or teacher approval.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Advanced Painting is a continuation of Painting/Drawing. Art elements and principles of design will continue to be emphasized while students work independently on higher level and more conceptual projects. Students will continue to be introduced to professional practices. Improving skills, and building a portfolio for future art study will be additional challenges for students. Students will expand their creative thinking and critical problem solving skills. Instruction will focus on composition and professional practices.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Apply the principles of design and art elements to create original works. 
  • Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of variety of media.
  • Justify their creative decisions both verbally as well as written.
  • Demonstrate an advanced level composition.


Prerequisite: Completion of Painting/Drawing or teacher approval.


Find out more about AP Drawing at WHS

Term: Yearlong  |   Level: Advanced Placement (AP) +   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Advanced Placement Drawing is a very rigorous course that will enable students to develop a portfolio of college level work. Participating students will exhibit high level of art skills, a working understanding of the art elements and principles of design, personal depth, time management skills and great organizational skills. Students will be required to spend at least 1-2 hours working outside of class every day to fulfill the College Board’s portfolio requirements. This work will be submitted to the College Board in early May and requires that an exam fee be paid in early spring. Students who pass the exam (have their artwork scored as passing) will receive college credit from participating colleges. 


This course will focus on professional practices such as deadlines and preparation and presentation of a portfolio. Students will demonstrate a high level of creative thinking and critical problem solving skills. 


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Apply the principles of design and art elements to create original works.
  • Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of variety of media.
  • Justify their creative decisions both verbally as well as written.
  • Demonstrate an advanced level composition. 
  • Demonstrate effective time management skills.
  • Prepare an original body of work showing breadth in material and content. 
  • Prepare and additional original body of work that focuses on one area of concentration.
  • Participate in whole class critiques.
  • Utilize problem solving skills related to artistic creations.


Prerequisite: Completion of Advanced Painting/Drawing and teacher approval.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Beginning Ceramics is an introductory studio course, consisting of both hand-building and potter’s wheel methods. The course includes an examination of clay, glaze, decoration methods, and firing processes. Hand-building methods will include pinch, coil, and slab. Students will create both functional and sculptural works of art. Students will participate in individual and group critiques of student projects. Elements of three-dimensional design will be introduced; including volume, mass, light, shadow, and texture.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate proper mechanics working with the medium of clay.
  • Demonstrate proper practice strategies and  techniques.
  • Develop cooperative work habits and leadership skills.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small group and individual critiques.

Prerequisite: None


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Students in Intermediate Ceramics will build on concepts and skills acquired in Beginning Ceramics, and demonstrate an intermediate skill level and individual style. Students in Intermediate Ceramics will expand upon the hand-building techniques, such as pinch, coil, and slab learned in Beginning Ceramics, and continue to develop more technical skill on the potter’s wheel. This class emphasizes creating both sculptural and functional works with clay, while also including art criticism and art history. 


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate creativity and individual style.
  • Demonstrate and master skills working with clay.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small group critiques.

Prerequisite: Completion of Beginning Ceramics or teacher recommendation.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

This class is intended to prepare students for the development of a college-ready portfolio. Students will work on developing more technical skills and aesthetic sensibilities. This includes the use of historic and contemporary references in ceramics and other arts, criticism, and expression of personal concepts in works. Students will investigate choices in materials to express a personal direction. A research concept will be identified by the student for each semester’s investigation. Students are expected to participate in critiques to identify strengths and weaknesses and promote the growth and exchange of ideas.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate proper mechanics working with the medium of clay.
  • Demonstrate and master skills working with the medium of clay.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small group and critiques.


Prerequisite: Completion of Intermediate Ceramics or teacher recommendation.


Learn more about AP Studio 3D at WHS

Term: Yearlong  |   Level: Advanced Placement (AP) +   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

The AP Studio Art (3-D Design Portfolio) is designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art. This course is not based on a written exam; instead, students submit portfolios for evaluation at the end of the school year. The AP 3-D Design Portfolio course is intended to address sculptural ceramics involving purposeful decision-making, using the elements and principles of art in an integrative way. Students are asked to demonstrate understanding of design principles as they relate to the integration of depth and space as well as volume and surface. For this portfolio, students are asked to demonstrate mastery of 3-D design through any three-dimensional approach, including, but not limited, figurative or non-figurative sculpture, architectural models, metalwork, ceramics, glass work, installation, assemblage, and 3-D fabric/fiber arts.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Recognize quality in his or her work.
  • Concentrate on a sustained investigation of a particular visual interest or problem.
  • Master a range of approaches to the formal, technical, and expressive means of the artist.
  • Think independently about art and design, and contribute inventively and critically to their culture through art making.


Prerequisite: Permission from the Instructor.


Learn more about AP Art History at WHS

Term: Yearlong  |   Level: Advanced Placement (AP) +   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

The AP Art History course explores topics such as the nature of art, its uses and meanings, art making, and responses to art. Through investigation of diverse artistic traditions of cultures from prehistory to the present, this course develops an in depth and holistic understanding of the history of art. Students will learn and apply skills of visual, contextual, and comparative analysis, as they investigate works of art and architecture from around the globe.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Analyze and answer questions such as: What is art and how is it made? Why and how does art change? How do we describe our thinking about art?
  • Investigate how humans respond to the world and communicate their experiences through art making.
  • Develop an understanding of the functions and effects of art, while considering the influential forces of belief, class, gender, ethnicity, patronage, and politics.
  • Identify works of art and architecture, spanning prehistory to the present.

Prerequisite: Success in art and/or social science classes. Open to 10th-12th grade.


Vocal Music


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Concert Chorale is a performing ensemble that studies music written and arranged for mixed voices.  Students will study beginning music theory, vocabulary, styles, techniques, and historical concepts used in performing literature from a wide array of musical periods and styles. Performances and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a normal school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of the course.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate appropriate vocal, rehearsal and performance techniques.
  • Demonstrate appropriate practice strategies and techniques.
  • Analyze vocal and music terminology through written and oral tests.
  • Develop cooperative work habits and leadership skills.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small ensemble and individual assessments.
  • Evaluate class work and public performance through the use of video and audio recordings.
  • Show aesthetic valuing through live music performance critiques.
  • Write basic music notation.

Prerequisite: None


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Bel Canto is a performing ensemble that studies music written and arranged for advanced female voices. Students will study intermediate theory, vocabulary, styles, techniques and historical concepts used in performing literature from a wide array of musical periods and styles. Performances and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a normal school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of the course. 


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate appropriate vocal, rehearsal and performance techniques.
  • Demonstrate appropriate practice strategies and techniques.
  • Analyze vocal and music terminology through    written and oral tests.
  • Develop cooperative work habits and leadership skills.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through self-evaluation.
  • Evaluate class work and public performance through the use of video and audio recordings.
  • Show aesthetic valuing through live music performance critiques.
  • Write intermediate level music notation.


Prerequisite: Audition only - For for soprano/alto singers of intermediate to advanced ability.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Chamber Singers is a performing ensemble that studies music written and arranged for advanced mixed voices. Students will study advanced theory, vocabulary, styles, techniques and historical concepts used in performing literature from a wide array of musical periods and styles. Performances and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a normal school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of the course.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate appropriate vocal, rehearsal and performance techniques.
  • Demonstrate appropriate practice strategies and techniques.
  • Analyze vocal and music terminology through     written and oral tests.
  • Develop cooperative work habits and leadership skills.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through self-evaluation.
  • Evaluate class work and public performance through the use of video and audio recordings.
  • Show aesthetic valuing through live music performance critiques.
  • Write advanced level music notation.


Prerequisite: Audition only – For singers of intermediate to advanced ability.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Entertainers is a performing ensemble that studies music written and arranged for advanced mixed voices. Students will study theory, styles, and techniques used in performing literature from a wide array of musical periods and styles, with an emphasis on vocal jazz and contemporary music. Performances and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a normal school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of the course. 


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate appropriate vocal, rehearsal and performance techniques.
  • Demonstrate appropriate practice strategies and techniques.
  • Analyze vocal and music terminology through   written and oral tests.
  • Develop cooperative work habits and leadership skills.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through self-evaluation.
  • Evaluate class work and public performance through the use of video and audio recordings.
  • Show aesthetic valuing through live music performance critiques. 
  • Write intermediate level music notation.


Prerequisite: Audition only.

Instrumental Music


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: High School Credit 

Marching Band is a performance course in which students perform at football games, pep rallies, community events and compete in marching band competitions.  Performances and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a normal school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of the course. Marching Band is a 0 Period course that offers 1 semester of P.E. credit. (Students enrolled in Marching Band must also take a Concert Band, Orchestra or Percussion class).


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate proper marching, rehearsal and performance techniques.
  • Demonstrate proper practice strategies and techniques.
  • Develop cooperative work habits and leadership skills.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small ensemble and individual assessments.
  • Promote school spirit and camaraderie.

Prerequisite: None


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Concert Band is a performing ensemble that studies class II and III music literature. Students will study beginning theory, vocabulary, styles, techniques and historical concepts used in performing concert literature. Performances and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a normal school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of the course. (Students enrolled in Concert Band must also take Marching Band 1st semester).


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate well-developed rehearsal and performance skills.
  • Play independently and expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing and interpretation.
  • Analyze basic music terminology and music theory through written and oral tests.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small ensemble and individual assessments.
  • Show aesthetic valuing through live music performance critiques.
  • Write basic music notation.

Prerequisite: None


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Symphonic Band is a performing ensemble that studies class III and IV music literature. Students will study intermediate theory, vocabulary, styles, techniques and historical concepts used in performing concert literature.Performances and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a normal school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of the course. (Students enrolled in Symphonic Band must also take Marching Band 1st semester).


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate well-developed rehearsal and performance skills.
  • Play independently and expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing and interpretation.
  • Analyze intermediate level music terminology and music theory through written and oral tests.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small ensemble and individual assessments.
  • Show aesthetic valuing through live music performance critiques.
  • Write intermediate level music notation.

Prerequisite: Audition only.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Wind Ensemble is a performing ensemble that studies class IV and V music literature. Students will study advanced theory, vocabulary, styles, techniques and historical concepts used in performing concert literature. Performances and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a normal school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of the course. (Students enrolled in Wind Ensemble must also take Marching Band 1st semester).


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate well-developed rehearsal and performance skills.
  • Play independently and expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing and interpretation.
  • Analyze advanced level music terminology and music theory through written and oral tests.
  • Read and synthesize musical notation and terminology from various classical periods and popular forms of music.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small ensemble and individual assessments.
  • Show aesthetic valuing through live music performance critiques.
  • Write advanced level music notation.

Prerequisite: Audition only.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Percussion Ensemble is a performing ensemble that studies advanced level literature with an emphasis on the development of proper percussion technique and skills. Fall semester activities include Marching Band half-time shows, parades, community events and field show competitions. Spring semester activities include performances at Percussion competitions and festivals. Performances and practices outside the regular school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of this course. (Students enrolled in Percussion Ensemble must also take Marching Band 1st semester and a concert ensemble 2nd semester.)


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate well-developed rehearsal and performance skills.
  • Play independently and expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing and interpretation.
  • Analyze advanced level music terminology and music theory through written and oral tests.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small ensemble and individual assessments.
  • Show aesthetic valuing through music performance critiques.
  • Read advanced level music notation.


Prerequisite: Audition only.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Advanced Jazz Ensemble (I) is a performing ensemble that studies class AA and A music literature in the jazz idiom. Students will study advanced theory, music improvisation and musical vocabulary used in preparation and performance of jazz literature. Performances and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a normal school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of the course.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Improvise solos on their instrument.
  • Identify various styles and genres of jazz music.
  • Play independently and expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing, technique and interpretation.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small ensemble and individual assessments.


Prerequisite: Audition only.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Jazz Ensemble (II) is a performing ensemble that studies class B and C music literature in the jazz idiom. Students will study basic theory, music improvisation and musical vocabulary used in preparation and performance of jazz literature. Performances and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a normal school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of the course.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Improvise solos on their instrument.
  • Identify basic styles and genres of jazz music.
  • Play independently and expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing, technique and interpretation.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small ensemble and individual assessments.


Prerequisite: Audition only.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Concert Orchestra is a performing ensemble that studies class II and III music literature. Students will study beginning theory, vocabulary, styles, techniques and historical concepts used in performing concert literature. Performances and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a normal school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of the course. 


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate well-developed rehearsal and performance skills.
  • Play independently and expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing and interpretation.
  • Analyze basic music terminology and music theory through written and oral tests.
  • Demonstrate basic fundamental bowing techniques.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small ensemble and individual assessments.
  • Show aesthetic valuing through live music performance critiques.
  • Write basic music notation.

Prerequisite: None


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Symphonic Orchestra is a performing ensemble that studies class III and IV music literature. Students will study intermediate theory, vocabulary, styles, techniques and historical concepts used in performing concert literature. Performances and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a normal school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of the course.

Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate well-developed rehearsal and performance skills.
  • Play independently and expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing and interpretation.
  • Analyze intermediate level music terminology and music theory through written and oral tests.
  • Demonstrate fundamental bowing techniques.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small ensemble and individual assessments.
  • Show aesthetic valuing through live music performance critiques.
  • Write intermediate level music notation.


Prerequisite: Audition only.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Philharmonic Orchestra is a performing ensemble that studies class IV and V music literature. Students will study advanced theory, vocabulary, styles, techniques and historical concepts used in performing concert literature. Performances and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a normal school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of the course.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate well-developed rehearsal and performance skills.
  • Play independently and expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing and interpretation.
  • Analyze advanced level music terminology and music theory through written and oral tests.
  • Read and synthesize musical notation and terminology from various classical periods and popular forms of music.
  • Demonstrate advanced fundamental bowing techniques.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small ensemble and individual assessments.
  • Show aesthetic valuing through live music performance critiques.
  • Write advanced level music notation.


Prerequisite: Audition only.

AP Music Theory

Grade Level: 10-12  |  Term: Yearlong  |  Level: Advanced Placement (AP) + |  UC/CSU "f" requirement 

The AP Music Theory course focuses on concepts and skills emphasized within introductory college music theory courses, with the goal of helping students become sophisticated and thoughtful music listeners, performers, and composers. AP Music Theory students learn to recognize, understand, describe, and produce the basic elements and processes of performed and notated music. To become proficient with these skills, students need to consistently practice applying course concepts through aural analysis, score analysis, sight-singing, dictation, and composition.

Prerequisites: Students must have basic performance skills in voice or instrument.



Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

This is a primary course designed to introduce students to the many aspects of Theatre Arts: play analysis, scene preparation, improvisation, acting. directing, and theater styles. Upon completion of this course students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of movement on stage, terminology of the stage, and performance techniques.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Perform pantomime.
  • Produce and perform scenes and monologues.
  • Participate in various exercises essential to acting.
  • Participate in improvisation performances and exercises.
  • Connect the importance of history and culture in their performance.
  • Prepare, dissect and analyze a script for presentation.
  • Identify various theater styles and movements.
  • Connect the importance of history and culture in their performance.Prepare, dissect and analyze a script for presentation.
  • Identify various theater styles and movements.

Prerequisite: None


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Students will continue to explore the world of theater through the eyes of the playwright, actor, designer and director. Through active participation in theater, students learn to make artistic choices and critique dramatic works. Students will present a one-act play showcase and produce the full production. Intermediate students will study significant acting teachers and acting styles to formulate the best techniques for them. Intermediate students are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances of the Intermediate Drama class.  


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Character study
  • Audition techniques
  • Demonstrate acting techniques in class and performances.
  • Create and sustain characters that communicate with an audience.
  • Construct imaginative scripts.
  • Collaborate with actors to refine scripts so that they convey a meaningful story to an audience.
  • Develop criteria for evaluating basic playwriting techniques, such as character, structure and style.


Prerequisite: Audition and teacher recommendation. Recommended to take Beginning Drama.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

This class is offered for the dedicated theatre student. These students will be required to be leaders and directors of their own projects, as well as those assigned by the instructor.  Students will have the opportunity to perform for various events such as campus events and California Theatre competitions.  Students will be able to display advanced level skills relating to particular styles of world theatre and modern contemporary drama.  


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Take charge and be a leader of a group.
  • Organize productions and shows. 
  • Exhibit mastery of vocabulary.
  • Display directorial skills and rehearsal technique.
  • Illustrate an understanding of aesthetic principles inherent to a theatre production.
  • Confidently put together theatre audition pieces to be used at the college level.

Prerequisite: Audition and teacher recommendation.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

This course is designed for actors, musicians, and stage crew, who have auditioned, and have been cast for a play or a musical at Woodbridge High School.  Theatre is a highly collaborative art that requires effort by an ensemble, a group whose individuals function together to create a whole.  This is a “hands on” approach to learning about theatre.  It is practical and performance based.  Rehearsals are held after school in addition to evening weekday and weekend performances.  Technical work hours for the backstage crew coincide with the production’s rehearsal and performance schedule.  Attendance and participation is mandatory for all scheduled rehearsals, performances and production work sessions.  


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Basic-proficient aspects in producing a theatre production or show.
  • Theatre etiquette and rehearsal practices.
  • Proper use of basic tools, equipment and techniques used in production.
  • Proper safety procedures in production for both actors and stage crew.
  • Produce a play or musical for public performance.
  • Identify and discuss genre and artistic style from both acting and technical standpoint.
  • Analyze the different production elements that   contribute to the overall production concept.
  • Work collaboratively with the actor’s ensemble, the design team and the director(s).
  • Demonstrate proper safety procedures in theatre production.

Prerequisite: Audition only.


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

This course is designed to provide knowledge of the basic aspects of technical theater production.  Students will study the theory of scenery design, and basic use and design of theatrical lighting and sound equipment. Performance and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a school day are an integral co-curricular part of the course, and participation in them is required for a successful completion of the course. This course is part of the arts, media, and entertainment industry sector pathway.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Identify and use basic levels in set construction.
  • Identify, place and operate stage lighting instruments.
  • Select sound effects for theatrical performance.
  • Construct, assemble and paint scenery for plays, concerts and special events at WHS.
  • Basic stage makeup application techniques.
  • Study different time periods of costume design.
  • Identify stage vocabulary.

Prerequisite: None


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

This course is designed to provide a working knowledge of the advanced aspects of technical theatre production.  Technical theatre is a hands on course in which students are creating all technical aspects of all Woodbridge productions.  Technical Theatre are required to provide back stage assistance for WHS play productions, musical theatre productions, and vocal, instrumental, and dance stage productions. Students will accomplish levels of certification to qualify the student for different jobs/duties for school productions. Performance and rehearsals outside the regular hours of a school day are an integral co-curricular part of the course, and participation in them is required for a successful completion of the course. This course is part of the arts, media, and entertainment industry sector pathway.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Be crew leaders for all technical areas of a production.
  • Practice the various stage manager skills.
  • Use advanced level scenery construction techniques.
  • Design scenery, lighting and sound for productions.
  • Compete at local theatre competitions with their designs.
  • Use computer aided drafting techniques for the theatre.
  • Operate moving light programming.


Prerequisite: Completion of Technical Theatre and teacher recommendation.




Term: Yearlong  |   Level: High School Credit 

Color Guard is a performance course open to all students through competitive tryouts. Fall semester performance activities include Marching Band half-time shows, parades, community events and field show competitions. Color Guard also includes the JV and Varsity Guard, which is auditioned for placement during the winter quarter. Spring semester performance activities include performances at Color Guard Competitions, Solo & Ensemble Festivals and School Productions. Performances and practices outside the regular school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of this course. Color Guard is a 0 Period course that offers P.E. credit. (Students enrolled in Color Guard must also take Dance Production.)


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate proper dance, rehearsal and performance techniques.
  • Demonstrate proper flag, rifle and sabre techniques.
  • Develop cooperative work habits and leadership skills.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small ensemble and individual assessments.
  • Promote school spirit and camaraderie.

Prerequisite: Audition only.

DANCE Production

Term: Yearlong  |   Level:  High School Credit

Dance Production is the study of dance as an art form. Students will learn advanced dance techniques and vocabulary used in jazz, ballet, world dance, modern dance and choreography. Performances and practices outside the regular school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of this course. 

This course fulfills the requirement for VAPA.  If all VAPA credits are fulfilled, the course fulfills PE requirements.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate proper dance, rehearsal and performance techniques.
  • Execute advanced technical skills in different dance genres including ballet, jazz, contemporary and modern.
  • Perform complete dance combinations with a sense of theme and style.
  • Create and teach dance choreography in different dance styles.
  • Establish and use rigorous standards of quality through written and oral critiques of professional dance concerts.  
  • Develop cooperative work habits and leadership skills.
  • Demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and execution of dance terminology.
  • Develop an appreciation and knowledge of dance history and choreographic principles through written, oral, and performance assessments.

Prerequisite: Audition only.

DANCE Company

Term: Yearlong  |   Level: High School Credit

Dance Company is a performance course open to all students through competitive tryouts.  Fall semester performance activities include Marching Band half-time shows, parades, community events and field show competitions. Spring semester performance activities include performances at Dance Competitions and school Dance Productions. Performances and practices outside the regular school day are an integral, co-curricular part of this course and participation in them is required for successful completion of this course.

Dance Company is a 0 Period course that offers P.E. credit. (Students enrolled in Dance Company must also take Dance Production).  Dance Company also includes the All-Male Hip Hop Crew, which is a Spring semester class only.  Auditions for groups take place in May of the preceding year.


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Demonstrate proper dance, rehearsal and performance techniques.
  • Execute advanced technical skills in a variety of dance genres including ballet, jazz, contemporary and modern. 
  • Develop cooperative work habits and leadership skills.
  • Demonstrate self-discipline through daily assessments of effort and participation.
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses through small ensemble and individual assessments.
  • Promote school spirit and camaraderie.

Prerequisite: Audition only.


Digital Media


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Digital Media Arts is a prerequisite for all other digital art courses. This course will introduce students to art elements and principles of design. Students will explore and apply fundamental design concepts using programs such as Illustrator, Premiere, and Photoshop. Students will spend equal amounts of time creating print and motion materials. Students will be encouraged to explore the role and function of imagery, language and presentation using digital media. This course is part of the Arts, Media, and Entertainment industry sector pathway.  


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Identify the principles of design (balance, proportion, rhythm, emphasis and unity) as well as art elements (line, shape, form, color, texture, space and value).
  • Create original works of art using a variety of programs (Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere).
  • Discuss and defend their choices using appropriate terminology.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of composition.

Prerequisite: None


Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Computer Graphics is an intermediate level course intended to expand on the skills and concepts learned in Digital Media Arts. Students will use lllustrator and Photoshop to create original pieces of ad that demonstrate their knowledge of art elements and principles of design. Students will be introduced to professional practices such as presentations and critiques. Students will also be introduced to careers in marketing, production and packaging. Emphasis is placed on problem solving and the creative process. Students will also be introduced to screen printing as it applies to the design process and will explore professional concepts such as marketing, advertising and product branding. This course is part of the Arts, Media, and Entertainment industry sector pathway. 


Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

  • Create original works of art using lllustrator and Photoshop.
  • Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the Adobe work environment as well as the screen printing process.
  • Justify their creative decisions both verbally and in written form.
  • Apply their knowledge of art elements and design principles to digital media.
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of typography.

Prerequisite: Completion of Digital Media Art.

Branding and Production

Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

Branding and Production is an advanced CTE class.  Students will learn about design, production, entrepreneurial skills, and business practices.  Students will create original designs and "run" a working apparel "company."  Through the course of the year, students will learn multiple printing techniques and applications.  Students will also learn about fabrics and the cut-and-sew process.  Students will work with WHS staff members to create original apparel for our school.  The students will design and produce authentic apparel faster and at a lower cost to our students, staff, and community.  Students will research and set prices for materials, create contracts, and present them to potential customers.

    Prerequisite: Completion of Computer Graphics or DMA's teacher approval

    AP 2-D ART & DESIGN 

    Learn more about AP 2D Art at WHS

    Term: Yearlong  |   Level: Advanced Placement (AP) +   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

    AP Studio Arts 2D is a rigorous course that will enable students to create a portfolio of college level work. Students will be asked to create original images based on prompts provided by the instructor. Students will be required to spend 3-5 hours a week working outside of class to fulfill the College Board’s portfolio requirements. Students that pass the exam will receive college credit from participating colleges.


    Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

    • Exhibit a high level of digital art skills and a working knowledge of art elements and principles of design.
    • Demonstrate effective time management skills.
    • Prepare an original body of work showing breadth in skills and content.
    • Participate in whole class critiques.
    • Demonstrate an advanced level of composition.

    Prerequisite: Completion of Advanced Graphic Design Studio and teacher recommendation. 

    Design Lab

    Learn more about Design Lab at WHS

    Term: Yearlong   |   Level: College Preparatory Elective |  UC/CSU "g" requirement 

    This elective is an introductory course in the Makerspace Pathway (Manufacturing and Product Design). This is a STEAM class that focuses primarily on introducing students to the design cycle through projects from Ceramics, Digital Media Arts, and Makerspace. 

    The course MAY BE USED as a prerequisite for Graphic Design, Int/Adv Ceramics, OR Animatronics.

    Prerequisite: None


    Term: Yearlong   |   Level: College Preparatory Elective |  UC/CSU "f" requirement 

    This is the second course in the Manufacturing and Product Design CTE Pathway. Students will work through a series of projects that will require them to develop advanced skills with 3D printing, laser cutting, computer assisted design, electrical engineering, and computer programming. This is a project-based course with strong interdisciplinary connections to the arts. 

    Prerequisite: Completion of Design Lab with a grade of C or better.

    Advanced Makerspace 1 (Design, Model Making, Prototype - DMP 20)

    Term: Semester  I  Level: Irvine Valley College (IVC) I Dual Enrollment Course

    This course focuses on developing forms and shapes using a variety of basic model-making materials and hand fabrication techniques, with an emphasis on wood, plastic and metal processes. In addition to modeling with basic materials, students begin to develop skills using quick, visual model-development materials, including foam core, cardboard and clay.

    Advanced Makerspace 2 (Design, Model Making, Prototype - DMP 22)

    Term: Semester I  Level: Irvine Valley College (IVC) I Dual Enrollment Course

    This course develops skills in using computer-aided design and manufacturing equipment and software to fabricate models. Designs will be created on three-dimensional solid modeling software and transferred to a three-dimensional computer aided manufacturing software for coding and post processing. Students will fabricate parts on a variety of equipment including CNC mills and lathes, laser cutters, and two and three-dimensional rapid modeling equipment. 

    Prerequisite: Successful completion of Advanced Makerspace 1 or teacher recommendation.


    Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

    This course is designed to give students an introduction into the field of video production. Students will receive training in the operation of a digital video camera and a non-linear video editor. In addition the student will write scripts for video production projects utilizing standard script formats. Storyboard techniques will be used for preplanning video projects. Students will produce a minimum of four video projects in the semester. Students will also analyze critique and construct meaning from film, television, and electronic media productions as a way to develop their own media literacy and awareness. This course is part of the Arts, Media, and Entertainment industry sector pathway.  


    Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

    • Basic use of digital video camera equipment to record and playback images. 
    • Basic use of non-linear digital editing equipment to arrange video images and sound. Script writing formats. 
    • Write a script for video production. 
    • Develop a pre-production storyboard using both line drawing and digital camera images. 
    • Create a production shooting schedule. 
    • Collaborate with other students in the completion of a video project. 
    • Operate a video camera. 
    • Use the Casablanca editing system. 
    • Select music and sound effects for video project.
    • Critique film, television and electronic media for content, camera and editing techniques. 
    • Students will progress as Effective Communicators by utilizing multiple forms of communications to express understanding of content. 
    • Students will progress as Complex Thinkers by learning to access, analyze, interpret, and synthesize information to formulate conclusions and solve problems. 
    • Students and teachers will assess an ongoing video project portfolio.

    Prerequisite:  Teacher approval required.


    Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

    This course is designed to give students an opportunity to continue their study of video production. Students will receive advanced training in operating a digital video camera, the non-linear video editor, and studio lighting techniques. In addition the student will create dramatic scripts for video production projects utilizing standard script formats. Students will produce a minimum of four video projects in the semester. Students will continue to analyze critique and construct meaning from film, television, and electronic media productions as a way to develop their own media literacy and awareness. This course is part of the Arts, Media, and Entertainmnet industry sector pathway.  


    Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

    • Advanced techniques using the digital video camera to record and playback images.
    • Advanced techniques using non-linear digital editor to arrange video images, soundtracks and special effects.
    • Studio lighting techniques.
    • Script writing formats.
    • Create imaginative scripts through collaboration. 
    • Create a preproduction storyboard and produce a production-shooting schedule. 
    • Collaborate with other students in the completion of a team video project. 
    • Operate a video camera. 

    Prerequisite: Teacher approval required.


    Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "f" requirement

    This class produces the WHS school yearbook.  Students will be working online to design, edit and produce pages for the yearbook. Students will learn elements of digital photography in this course.

    Grades 9 through 12 are allowed to participate with teacher approval. 


    Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

    • Learn to use the elements of Art and Design in page design. 
    • Work in a web-based program to upload and edit images to be used in the book.
    • Specific students will shoot and contribute photos to be used in the yearbook as well as select specific fonts to use in specific sections of the book.
    • Specific students will function as editors of yearbook sections and be responsible for art and design, as well as edit those sections.
    • All students will participate in setting up and editing class sections of their own grade level.  

    Prerequisite: Teacher approval required.


    Computer Programming


    Learn more about Computer Science at WHS

    Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP)   |  UC/CSU "g" requirement

    Introduction to Computer Programming is an elective course that introduces students to a diverse variety of programming languages such as Visual Basic, HTML, C++, and Java. The course will address the basic elements of programming, including control flow, object-orientation, introductory robotics and the use of algorithms for various tasks. Students will be working independently with teacher support, and must be motivated to work when unsupervised. This course will prepare students for a more rigorous course in programming, such as AP Computer Science. This course fulfills the “G” requirement in the A-G UC admissions. This course is part of the information and communication technologies industry sector pathway. 


    Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

    • Write programs using the correct language syntax.
    • Develop algorithms to accomplish tasks and problem solve.
    • Create programs that demonstrate understanding of the curriculum.
    • Control and operate robots using code.

    Prerequisite: Recommended Math I with a C+ or higher.


    Learn more about AP Computer Science Principles at WHS

    Term: Yearlong  |   Level: Advanced Placement (AP) +   |  UC/CSU "d" requirement

    AP Computer Science Principles offers a multidisciplinary approach to teaching the underlying principles of computation. The course will introduce students to creative aspects of programming, using abstractions and algorithms, working with large data sets, understandings of the Internet and issues of cybersecurity, and impacts of computing that affect different populations. Computer Science Principles will give students the opportunity to use current technologies to solve problems and create meaningful computational artifacts. This course fulfills the “d” requirement in the a-g UC admissions. This course is part of the information and communication technologies industry sector pathway. 


    Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

    • Use computing tools and techniques to create artifacts. 
    • Develop multiple levels of abstraction for computation.
    • Develop, express, and evaluate algorithms
    • Analyze computing in the context of impact and problem solving
    • Communicate, collaborate, and connect computing within economic, social, and cultural contexts. 

    Prerequisite: B+ or higher in Introduction to Computer Programming and/or teacher recommendation or B- or higher in Math II.


    Learn more about AP Computer Science at WHS

    Term: Yearlong  |   Level: Advanced Placement (AP) +   |  UC/CSU "c" requirement

    AP Computer Science is a college-level course that covers the design, development, testing, and debugging of computer programs using the Java programming language. The course is designed to serve as a first course in computer science for students with no prior computing experience. Emphasis will be placed on the study of Java syntax, object-oriented programming, problem solving, and algorithmic development. This course will prepare students for the College Board’s Advanced Placement Computer Science A examination. This course fulfills the “c” requirement in the UC a-g admissions. This course is part of the information and communication technologies industry sector pathway. 


    Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

    • Apply programming tools. 
    • Solve complex problems through programming.
    • Understand core aspects of computer science.
    • Create solutions that are understandable, adaptable, and appropriately reusable.
    • Design and implement computer programs.
    • Develop and analyze algorithms and fundamental data structures. 

    Prerequisite: Math III or EM2 or higher with a grade of B+ or better and/or B+ or higher in AP Computer Science Principles.


    Learn more about Computer Science: Data Structures at WHS

    Term: Yearlong  |   Level: College Preparatory (CP) +   |  UC/CSU "d" requirement

    Computer Science B: Data Structures is a college level course that covers the design, development, testing, and debugging of computer programs using abstract data types in the Java programming language. The course is designed to serve students who have prior computing experience equivalent to AP Computer Science A. Emphasis will be placed on the study of following abstract data types: lists, stacks, queues, linked structures, binary search trees, graphs, searching and sorting using recursive algorithms. UC approved “d” elective. This course is part of the information and communication technologies industry sector pathway. 


    Skills and Assessment:  Students will be able to…

    • Apply programming tools.
    • Program in Java.
    • Understand concepts and theory of data structures.
    • Design and implement programs that use data structures.
    • Develop and analyze algorithms using data structures.

    Prerequisite: AP Computer Science A; a 3 or higher score on the AP Computer Science A exam; or teacher recommendation.