2022-2023 Woodbridge Textbooks
ALL IUSD students are issued an account which allows them to access all of the different digital resources that IUSD supports. Student usernames are all created automatically upon enrollment and follow the same formula.
*Please note, accounts may take up to 24 hours to be created after initial enrollment.To learn your username you will need to follow the formula below:
“Last 2 digits of your graduation year”+ Last Name + First Name
EXAMPLE: 22DoeJohn, 19TroutMike
*Last Name or First Name cannot exceeded 8 characters. If your name does exceed 8 characters, you must cut it off after the 8th character.PASSWORD
Your password in your 9 digit IUSD permanent student ID number.
We highly recommend that ALL students reset their password annually (2 times a year is recommended). To reset your password, you will need to login to the IUSD Identity Website below.
Identity is where students can go to reset their password or if they forgot their password to their IUSD account.
** At the begriming on each school year, IUSD resets all student passwords back to their permanent student ID number.
G Suite (Google) and Google Drive
G Suite is a suite of productivity applications that Google offers to schools and educational institutions. It consists of Google Docs, Google Forms, Google Sheets, Google Drawing, Google Sites, Google Classroom and Google Drive.
Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service developed by Google. Google Drive allows users to store files on their servers, synchronize files across devices, and share files.
How to login and access G Suite & Google Drive:
Go to https://www.google.com
Sign in using an Email address - While IUSD does not currently provide students with email accounts, an email address is required for Google logins. Your student’s IUSD username followed by @iusd.org will form the email address you should use to log in.
Example: 24SmithJohn@iusd.org
Password - The password is the same one used to log in to IUSD computers.
* Student will use the same method to log into an IUSD Chromebook as you would to login to Google.
Microsoft 365 and OneDrive
Office 365 is a line of subscription services offered by Microsoft, as part of the Microsoft Office product line. Students are able to download this software for home use on a PC, Mac or mobile device or can access the tools online via a web browser.
OneDrive is a file hosting service operated by Microsoft as part of its suite of Office Online services. It allows users to store files as well as other personal data like Windows settings or BitLocker recovery keys in the cloud.
How to login and access Microsoft 365 Online:
Go to http://portal.office.com
Sign in using an Email address - While IUSD does not currently provide students with email accounts, an email address is required for Microsoft logins. Your student’s IUSD username followed by @iusd.org will form the email address you should use to log in.
Example: 24SmithJohn@iusd.org
Password - The password is the same one used to log in to IUSD computers.
How to install MS Office at home:
- Go to http://portal.office.com
- Log in with your email address and password.
- Click the “Install Office 2016” button.
- During the installation process, you may be asked for an email address and password. Continue to use the same information as before.
ABC-Clio is a collection of online social studies database. These databases are an invaluable source for students working on research projects.
- Here are a list of available databases:
- - American Government;
- - American History;
- - Daily Life Through History;
- - Issues;
- - U.S. Geography;
- - World At War;
- - World Geography;
- - World History Ancient Era;
- - World History Modern Era; and
- - World Religions.
- * ABC-Clio does not require a password when you are on the district network, but will require a password from your home computer. Passwords can be found below.
- Offers more than 2,000 full-text sources, with improved functionality, and a fun and easy-to-use search interface. Includes magazines, newspapers, books, television/radio transcripts, maps, pictures, and audio/video clips.
History Study Center
- Offers invaluable historical reference materials that cover 14 centuries of history, from ancient to modern, old world to new world.
ProQuest Learning: Literature
- A comprehensive resource including 3,000+ author biographies; 40 searchable full-text literature journals; full-text literary works; and other key criticism and reference sources.
ProQuest Culture Grams
- Links students to country reports that go beyond mere facts and figures to deliver a one-of-a-kind perspective on daily life and culture. In-depth reports covers 200+ countries, including the United States and Canada.
- * PRO-QUEST does not require a password when you are on the district network, but will require a password from your home computer. Passwords can be found below.
Britannica Online
BritanNicA Online is the digital form of the widely popular encyclopedia. Not only does this site have tons of great information for doing research, it also has PICTURES, videos, "how to" tutorials (how to write a science report, research paper, and many others.)
- * Encyclopedia Britannica Online requires a password from your home computer. If you log in to Destiny, you can search the database using OneSearch without needing an additional password.
NoodleTools is a web-based student research service that helps you correctly cite sources in MLA, APA, and Chicago/Turabian citation styles. Use NoodleTools throughout a research project to track your sources, take notes, create outlines, collaborate with classmates, and format or print your bibliography.
- **To find tutorials or additional help using NoodleTools, students can come by the media center or visit the NoodleTools YouTube channel (YouTube is not accessible from school).
NoodleTools will assist you when it is time to create your works cited page. If you wish to create your works cited page on your own, refer to this sample: Works Cited page by Purdue University as a visual aide.
- Here are some basic rules to follow:
- - Begin your Works Cited page on a separate page at the end of your report.
- - Label the page Works Cited (do not italicize the words Works Cited or put them in quotation marks) and center the words "Works Cited" at the top of the page.
- - Double space all citations, but do not skip spaces between entries. Indent the second and subsequent lines of citations five spaces so that you create a hanging indent.
- - Works should be arranged alphabetically by author -- or title, if no author appears in the entry.
- - Abbreviate the names of all months except May, June and July.
All efforts are made to keep our books in reasonable condition and many parents help us repair and clean books. In an effort to keep our books ready for use, please note the following items:
- - Students are responsible for returning their textbooks in good, usable condition with the barcode attached. Charges for repair or replacement may be assessed by library staff if books are returned in substandard condition.
- - All textbooks must be returned to the library by the last of school. Books returned during summer or the following school year will be marked as lost.
- - It is the responsibility of each student to return the same textbook that they received at the beginning of the year. We highly discourage students, having their friends or staff members return their books for them.
- Textbook Care
- - All textbooks should be covered for protection. The best cover is a thick paper bag from the grocery store, like Trader Joe's or Ralphs.
- - Report any damage that you notice in your textbooks now. You have the month of September to let library staff know of any damage(s) that you have noticed in your textbook(s). Most likely, we've already seen it & made note of it in our records, but it's good to be on the safe side.
- - Write your name on the inside of your books. This will prevent unintended book swaps with friends.
- - Never leave your books unattended. Going off campus for lunch? Then leave your books in your locker or take them with you. Don't leave them in the hall or outside of a classroom.
- - If you have an outside locker, take your books home when it rains. Although it's extremely rare, water has leaked into outdoor lockers. If your books do get wet, dry them immediately by fanning the pages out & immediately notify library staff.
- ** If you lose or misplace a textbook, you can check Destiny to see if has been returned to the Media Center. All students may check on their current checked out materials (including textbooks) or any remaining fines by logging into our Destiny circulation system.
The Woodbridge Media Center holds over 10,000 books in our collection, most of which can be checked out by students and staff. Books may be checked out for 3 weeks at a time. After 3 weeks, we do request that the book(s) be renewed or returned. Any materials that are not returned by the last day of school will be marked lost and a replacement fine will be generated.
Parents have requested that we put up a list of books/materials that we are in need of, so here it is! This list is of books that are core novels and are read in their English classes.
If you'd like to donate these items or other used books that you have in good condition, please stop by the Media Center to drop them off. We truly appreciate your generosity!
- Overdvive is a digital bookshelf with 100's of free eBooks that students can check out for a loan period and save to their device or read it from a web browser. This service was purchased by IUSD and the collection will be growing over the next year. To access this site, students can log in using their district issued username and password.
- OverDrive is also available for Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8 as well as Mac desktop platforms.
- How to get started on Overdrive
eBookCentral is an eBook subscription database (over 12,000 titles) to support multiple subject areas (English Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education, Information Literacy and Technology).
Project Gutenberg - Free e-Books
- Access all of Shakespeare's plays in a free, easy-to-read format, offered by Folger's Texts.
student resources
Canvas is Irvine Unified's online Course Management Solution (CMS). It is used for announcements, document storage, assignments, and discussions. Students will use their IUSD issued username//password to gain access to Canvas.
Parent Portal allows students or parents to view all current assignments and keep up to date on their grades.
Khan Academy provides instructional resources that empower learners to study a variety of subject areas at their own pace.
National Geographic student login information.
Turnitin is an originality checking and plagiarism prevention service. Student Account Creation.
READ 180 Universal is the leading blended learning solution that accelerates learning for struggling readers by merging the latest research in brain science, adaptive technology, professional development, and knowledge for school and life. How to login in to Read 180
Identity is where students can go to reset their password or if they forgot their password to their IUSD account.
News Websites
Online Newspapers Around the World
Los Angeles Times
New York Times - The Learning Network
Time Magazine Daily News Summary
USA Today
CNN News
BBC World News
Social Science Websites
Original documents discovered under the Freedom of Information Act. Investigate.

After School Tutoring
Mondays - Thursdays: 3:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
*The after school tutoring center is sponsored by our counseling department. On days when the media center is not available to host the tutoring center, the tutoring center will be moved to an alternate location.
The Woodbridge Media Center is available for student use all day during the hours listed above. The Media Center hosts over 50 computers and over 10,000 books. Periodically, the media center is used to host events, such as monthly career lunch or various tests. During those times the media center may be closed.