World Language Placement Policy
The World Language department welcomes all students with an interest in learning another language. Students who are heritage, native, or immersion speakers of Spanish or Chinese should meet with the World Language department chair to determine placement in a course.
Incoming 9th graders who have already taken Spanish 1 should continue with Spanish 2. Students will be evaluated within the first 30 days to monitor their progress.
Placement in any world language course above the introductory level may require teacher recommendation or a placement test.
Seal of Biliteracy
Click here for more information.
World Language Course Offerings
Click on the name of the course to go directly to its description.
F/S = Semester Course | (+) = Honors Point | (*) = Possible Course |
Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) | UC/CSU "e" requirement
In this college-preparatory course, students will focus on the critical skill of communicating in the present tense. Students will build a foundation for their proficiency and comprehension. Our department goal is for students to reach the ACTFL’s novice-mid level. At this stage, students will be able to communicate by using phrases, introducing and describing themselves and others.
The students will incorporate these concepts into reading, writing, listening and speaking activities, according to thematic topics. In addition, students will gain an understanding of and appreciation for different cultures. This course is not required for graduation but is recommended for those planning to go directly to a 4 year college and satisfies the “e” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU school.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Communicate effectively (read, write, speak and listen in Spanish with grammar and vocabulary appropriate to level).
- Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
- Connect with other disciplines and acquire information (reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines) and recognize the distinctive viewpoints through the Spanish language.
- Develop insight into the nature of language and culture.
- Begin to use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Prerequisite: None
Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) | UC/CSU "e" requirement
In this college-preparatory course, students will focus on improving their communication skills with an emphasis on using past tenses. Students will apply their previous knowledge and skills from Spanish 1 to increase their proficiency and comprehension. Our department goal is for students to reach the ACTFL’s intermediate-low level. At this stage, students will be able to communicate by using complete sentences and ask and answer questions on familiar topics. The students will incorporate these concepts into reading, writing, listening and speaking activities, according to thematic topics. In addition, students will gain an understanding of and appreciation for different cultures.
This course is not required for graduation but is recommended for those planning to go directly to a 4 year college and satisfies the “e” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU school.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Communicate effectively (read, write, speak and listen in Spanish with grammar and vocabulary appropriate to level).
- Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
- Connect with other disciplines and acquire information (reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines and recognize the distinctive viewpoints through the Spanish language).
- Use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in Spanish 1 or teacher recommendation.
Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) | UC/CSU "e" requirement
In this college-preparatory course, students will focus on the critical skill of communicating in a variety of tenses with an emphasis on narration and making requests. Students continue to improve their proficiency and comprehension through reading, speaking, listening and writing. Our department goal is for students to reach the ACTFL’s Intermediate-mid level. At this stage, students will be able to communicate by using strings of connected sentences with elaboration and detail on a variety of topics.
The students will develop and hone their communication skills in thematic units, which will also have a focus on the understanding of and appreciation for different cultures within the target language. This course is not required for graduation but is recommended for those planning to go directly to a 4 year college and satisfies the “e” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU school.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Communicate effectively at an intermediate level (reading, writing, speaking and listening) in Spanish with grammar and vocabulary appropriate to level
- Develop empathy for and gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures
- Connect with other disciplines and acquire information (reinforce and further) their knowledge of other disciplines and recognize the distinctive viewpoints through the Spanish language (ie. English Literature, History, Health and Psychology, Science and Technology)
- Show evidence of becoming a lifelong learner by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment both within and beyond the school setting.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in level 2 or teacher recommendation.
Find out more about Honors Spanish 4 at WHS
Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) + | UC/CSU "e" requirement
This course provides students the opportunity to pursue refinement in listening and speaking skills, essay writing, mastery of advanced grammar concepts, and reading comprehension. This level 4 class will expand and focus on mastering the subjunctive and improving communicative skills. Students will be able to present information by using the four strands of the Common Core communication standards (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational). In support of the literary component in common core, students will be introduced to some of the Canons of Spanish literature. It also seeks to improve students’ ability to read and appreciate literary and non-literary texts in Spanish, deepening students' awareness and understanding of the cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking world.
Emphasis is placed on analyzing literature texts in Spanish and on discussing character traits, themes, and concepts in the target language. In order to be successful in this course, students must demonstrate perseverance and an appreciation for a challenging curriculum. Most importantly, this is an intense course designed for those who have a love of the language.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Use academic language to do tasks that require multiple steps
- Can handle a situation that may have a complication
- Can present a point of view with reasons to support
- Ask and answer a variety of questions
- Can analyze literary pieces and retell stories using present, past, future etc.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in Spanish 3 or teacher recommendation.
Find out more about AP Spanish at WHS
Term: Yearlong | Level: Advanced Placement (AP) + | UC/CSU "e" requirement
A.P. Spanish Language and Culture is a college-level course intended for seniors and is based on the national standards for foreign language. The course is divided into thematic units designated by the AP College Board (Global challenges, Science and technology, Contemporary life, Personal and public identities, Family and communities, Beauty and aesthetics). AP requires that students demonstrate knowledge of the target culture and be able to use the language in real-life settings. This class is divided into six areas which support CCSS: speaking/listening, reading, writing (analytical and persuasive essays), grammar, vocabulary and homework. The course focuses on the integration of authentic resources including online print, audio, and audiovisual resources, as well as traditional print resources that include literature, essays, and magazine and newspaper articles with the goal of providing a rich, diverse learning experience. Students will be expected to participate in additional practice sessions, as arranged by the instructor, to enhance speaking and listening skills in a small group setting. Participation, perseverance, a desire to speak in the Spanish language and excellent attendance are required in order to be successful in this course.This course carries an honors point toward GPA.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Communicate effectively (read, write, speak and listen in Spanish with grammar and vocabulary appropriate to level)
- Gain knowledge, appreciation and empathy for other cultures
- Connect with other disciplines and acquire information (reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines and recognize the distinctive viewpoints through the Spanish language)
- Develop insight into the nature of language and culture
- Use the language both within and beyond the school setting
- Show evidence of becoming a lifelong learner by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment
Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in Spanish 4 or teacher recommendation.
Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) | UC/CSU "e" requirement
This college-preparatory course is designed for students who have prior knowledge of Spanish and/or fulfill the prerequisites. This course will build upon the language knowledge that students bring to the classroom and improve their proficiency and comprehension. Focus is placed on building vocabulary, reading comprehension, academic writing and speaking skills. Students will explore the different aspects of Spanish speaking cultures and have an opportunity to compare them to their own experience. This course is taught exclusively in Spanish. By the end of the course students will be able to communicate their ideas and opinions in Spanish. Our department goal is for students to reach ACTFL’s intermediate mid level.
With the completion of Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1 students will be prepared to move on to Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2. This course is equivalent to Spanish 1 & 2.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Communicate effectively (read, write, speak and listen) in Spanish with grammar and vocabulary appropriate to the level.
- Present a point of view with reasons to support
- Analyze authentic texts and retell stories using present, past, future etc.
- Continue to develop insight into the nature of language and culture
Prerequisites: Heritage speakers, Spanish background from home, Previous enrollment in a dual immersion program, Schooling or lengthy period of time in Spanish Speaking Country. For current WHS students looking to transfer to Spanish Speakers 1, you must have the recommendation of the Spanish Speakers Teacher.
Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2 Honors
Term: Yearlong | Level: Honors+ | UC/CSU "e" requirement
In this college-preparatory course, students will apply their previous knowledge and skills from Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1 to increase their proficiency. Focus is placed on enhancing vocabulary, reading comprehension, academic writing and speaking skills. It also seeks to improve students’ ability to read and appreciate literary and non-literary texts in Spanish, deepening students' understanding of the cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. Students’ experiences and cultural backgrounds will be a valuable asset used to drive cultural awareness and comparison within different thematic units. This course is exclusively in Spanish. By the end of course students will be able to analyze authentic resources, express opinions and ideas using academic language, and formally present on a variety of topics. Our department goal is for students to reach ACTFL’s intermediate high/advanced level.
With the completion of Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2 Honors students will be prepared to move on to AP Spanish Language. This course is equivalent to Spanish 3 & 4.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Communicate effectively (read, write, speak and listen) in Spanish with grammar and vocabulary at an intermediate high/advanced level.
- Use academic language related to other disciplines (ie. History, Health, Science, Technology etc.)
- Present and support a point of view by using data.
- Analyze authentic resources, express opinions, and formally present on a variety of topics.
- Continue to develop insight into the nature of language and culture
Prerequisites: Grade of C or higher in Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1 or the recommendation of the Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1 teacher.
Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) | UC/CSU "e" requirement
In this college-preparatory course, students will begin learning the fundamental elements of the Latin language. Students will acquire new vocabulary words in Latin and learn about English words derived from Latin roots. Students will focus on the critical skill of present tense subject-verb conjugation. Students will also learn about such key concepts as noun/adjective agreement, relative, demonstrative and personal pronouns, noun and adjective declensions and their uses, perfect, imperfect and pluperfect verb tenses, imperatives, infinitives and the irregular verbs, sum, volo, nolo and possum. They will incorporate these concepts into their translations as well as in writing, listening and speaking activities. In addition, students will learn about ancient Romans and their culture. They will learn about Pompeii and the devastation of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in AD 79 as well as Roman occupied Britain and Egypt through translations and culture exercises.
This course is not required for graduation but is recommended for those planning to go directly to a 4-year college and satisfies the “e” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU school.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Gain knowledge and understanding of the Roman culture.
- Connect with other disciplines by strengthening Latin-based academic language.
- Communicate effectively, i.e., reading and translating Latin with grammar and vocabulary appropriate to level.
- Develop insight into the nature of world languages and culture.
- Use, identify and/or appreciate Latin in the real world.
- Empathize with characters in the stories and with their ancient culture and customs.
- Enjoy becoming a life-long learner by using Latin for personal enrichment.
Prerequisite: Recommended grade of C or higher in previous English class.
Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) | UC/CSU "e" requirement
The Latin 2 course builds on the concepts introduced in Latin 1, expanding on students’ abilities to read Latin. Students work from the same textbook series as in Latin 1 and develop their grammar and vocabulary by reading stories that include cultural content about Roman daily life. This study is based on the objectives outlined in the National Standards for Classical Language Learning (http://aclclassics.org/pdf/standards.pdf). In addition to learning Latin, the course also focuses on learning about Roman culture, mythology, selected historical persons, and English vocabulary through the study of Latin words and basic grammatical structures. Latin 2 supports common core state standards while promoting college and career readiness.
This course is not required for graduation but is recommended for those planning to go directly to a 4-year college and satisfies the “e” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU school.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Communicate effectively, i.e. reading and translating Latin with grammar and vocabulary appropriate to level.
- Gain knowledge and understanding of western culture.
- Connect with other disciplines by strengthening Latin-based academic language.
- Develop empathy and appreciation for world languages and culture.
- Use Latin both in- and out-side school.
- Enjoy becoming a life-long learner by using Latin for personal enrichment.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in Latin 1 or teacher recommendation.
Find out about Honors Latin 3 at WHS
Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) + | UC/CSU "e" requirement
The Honors Latin 3 course builds on the concepts introduced in Latin 2, expanding on students’ abilities to read Latin. Students read selections from notable (and notorious) Roman writers of prose and poetry including Martial, Ovid, Catullus and Cicero. In addition, this course reads authentic, un-adapted selections Vergil’s Aeneid for the Advanced Placement Exam.The course explores various techniques for understanding and interpreting Latin in the original. The course explores the influence of ancient Rome and its language upon American art, literature and language. Honors Latin 3 supports common core state standards while promoting college and career readiness. This course carries an honors point toward GPA.
This course is not required for graduation but is recommended for those planning to go directly to a 4-year college and satisfies the “e” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU school.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Communicate effectively, i.e., reading and translating Latin with grammar and vocabulary appropriate to level.
- Gain knowledge and understanding of the Roman culture.
- Connect with other disciplines by strengthening Latin-based academic language.
- Develop insight into the nature of world languages and culture.
- Use, identify and/or appreciate Latin in the real world.
- Enjoy becoming a life-long learner by using Latin for personal enrichment.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in Latin 2 or teacher recommendation.
Find out more about AP Latin at WHS
Term: Yearlong | Level: Advanced Placement (AP) + | UC/CSU "e" requirement
In this college-preparatory course, students will read the required AP course readings from Vergil’s Aeneid and Caesar’s de bello Gallico in preparation for the Advanced Placement Exam. Throughout the course students will review vocabulary and grammar constructions and they will use their prior knowledge of the Latin language to analyze, identify, interpret, read and translate the course readings. Students will also explore other Latin authors and tie in their literary concepts and vocabulary with those of Vergil and Caesar. Through the reading of these literary works, students will also learn about the Roman empire, culture, history, mythology, propaganda and the glorification of Rome.
This course carries an honors point toward GPA.
This course is not required for graduation but is recommended for those planning to go directly to a 4-year college and satisfies the “e” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU school.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Gain knowledge and understanding of the Roman culture.
- Connect with other disciplines by strengthening Latin-based academic language.
- Communicate effectively, i.e., reading and translating Latin with grammar and vocabulary appropriate to level.
- Develop insight into the nature of world languages and culture.
- Use, identify and/or appreciate Latin in the real world.
- Empathize with the characters/people in the literature, their authors and with their ancient culture and customs.
- Enjoy becoming a life-long learner by using Latin for personal enrichment.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in Latin 3 Honors or teacher recommendation.
Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) | UC/CSU "e" requirement
Chinese 1 introduces students to the language and culture of modern Chinese. The goal is to develop basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Mandarin Chinese, and to understand the unique customs and aspects of the Chinese culture. This course is designed to help students develop foundational language skills that prepare them to continue in a Chinese Level 2 course, and to develop empathy and appreciation for cultures around us. Chinese 1 is a college prep course that satisfies the “e” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU school.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Master the Romanized phonetic pronunciation system “Pinyin”
- Build Chinese word processing computer skills
- Integrate interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive language skills through interactive activities
- Develop the ability to comprehend and produce formulaic language (memorized words, phrases and sentences; in some instances paragraphs)
- Learn about 350 vocabulary items and essential grammatical structures that are used on essential daily life topics such as greetings, dates and times, family, and hobbies both orally and in writing
Prerequisite: None
Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) | UC/CSU "e" requirement
Students in Chinese 2 continue the second year of study with about 350 more vocabulary items. Students build communicative skills as they discuss topics and learn sentence structures on elements close to their life such as weather, dining, birthday party, and travel. With more sentence structures introduced, students will construct compound and complex sentences both orally and in writing. This course also helps the students to develop empathy and appreciation for cultures around us. Chinese 2 is a college prep course that satisfies the “e” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU school.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Continue building their Chinese word processing computer skills
- Integrate interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive language skills through interactive activities
- Develop the ability to comprehend and produce created language (sentences and strings of sentences)
- Deal with topics related to self and the immediate environment in some informal settings
- Increase proficiency through task-based, communicative language applications in all areas of language learning - listening, speaking, reading and writing
Prerequisite: Grade of C (70%) or higher in Chinese 1 or teacher recommendation.
Learn more about Chinese at WHS:
Honors Chinese 3 Flyer
Students' Reflection
WHS Chinese Student Video
WHS Chinese Course Q & A
Term: Yearlong | Level: College Preparatory (CP) + | UC/CSU "e" requirement
This advanced class covers topics ranging from elements close to everyday life, to cultural studies such as college life, travel, Chinese regional cuisines, shopping habits, etc. Besides reviewing fundamental sentence structures mastered in Level 1 to 2, students will further develop their skills in reading contemporary Chinese literature and writing essays at an intermediate level. This course places a particular emphasis on effectively listening and speaking, and also be confident presenting information to the class in Chinese. An increased amount of authentic materials in the target language, such as newscasts, movies, newspapers, and magazines, will be used to help students practice listening, reading, and speaking skills. The objectives are to continue strengthening the students’ language skills, and to encourage students to express their own opinions through group discussions, presentations and writing. This advanced class is in support of the Common Core State Standards for literacy, and reinforce college and career readiness. Students are expected to show ability of perseverance in order to attain higher level of language proficiency throughout the course. Honors Chinese 3 is a college prep course that satisfies the “e” requirement for admission to a UC/CSU school.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
- Master Chinese word processing computer skills
- Integrate interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive language skills through interactive activities
- Understand a variety of oral presentations at normal speaking speed
- Read authentic materials such as letters, newspaper articles, advertisements and books intended for young adult readers
- Understand essential Chinese heritage culture
Prerequisite: Grade C or higher in Chinese 2 or teacher recommendation
Learn more about Chinese at WHS:
AP Chinese Flyer
Students' Reflection
WHS Chinese Student Video
WHS Chinese Course Q & A
Term: Yearlong | Level: Advanced Placement (AP) + | UC/CSU "e" requirement
The AP Chinese Language and Culture is an advanced level course equivalent to a regular fourth-semester college level of study. Topics mainly focus on the culture and social aspects of study such as the Chinese festivals, education, gender equality, environmental protection, etc. At this level, the students are immersed in Chinese language and culture studies that further develop the proficiency levels of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course focuses on developing communicative and cultural proficiency and literacy in the Chinese language and culture. The students are to engage in meaningful learning activities to enhance their learning strategies and problem-solving skills. A wide range of authentic materials will be introduced to maximize the students’ exposure to the language and culture. The AP course also prepares students for the National Advanced Placement (AP) Exam offered at the end of the academic year.
Skills and Assessment: Students will be able to…
Solidify important linguistic structures to build and refine their understanding of Chinese grammar and syntax
Communicate in linguistically and culturally-appropriate manners in a wide range of situations
Read authentic short compositions, and write with accuracy and sophistication on topics pertaining to daily life, social events, and cultural studies
Review and practice different sections of the AP Chinese exam
Prerequisite: Grade of C in Chinese 3 Honors or teacher recommendation.