Academic Teams

Woodbridge High School students have the chance to join a number of academic teams, covering a diverse range of interests. 

Last Updated 11/22/24
Woodbridge Academic TeamsDescriptionsAdvisor Name
Academic DecathlonCompetitive academic team studying multiple subjects Mr. Lee
Computing OlympiadCompetitive programmingMr. Duthoy
CyberNexusAcademic team geared towards cybersecurityMr. Duthoy
Ethics BowlResearch and present ethical casesMs. Bracken
H2GPBuild a hydrogen powered car to competeDr. Pilchman
Math LeagueCompetitive math club for all interested. Ms. Hatter
Mock TrialWe do mock trial. Ms. Shipma
Model United NationsDelegates uniting to solve world issues. Ms. Le
RC and Voyagers Drones in SchoolSTEM Competitive Drone Racing TeamDr. Pilchman
Science OlympiadScience Competitions Mr. Evans
Speech and DebateAttend debate competitions and have funMs. Sheridan
STEAMpunks Alpha + BravoPromoting STEM and competing in FTC!Ms. Blackie




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Activities and ASB
