Get Involved in Student Leadership


Do you enjoy serving the school and reaching out to other people? We are looking for students who have a heart for service and a passion for WHS to apply to ASB (Associated Student Body). Information about positions, qualifications, and applications/elections is available exclusively in a Canvas course, and the link to enroll is: (and will be sent out on the Warrior Life Canvas page). The timeline for next year's recruitment kicks off each year at the beginning of spring semester with a mandatory meeting for all interested students. 

Please email WHS Activities Director with any questions.


Woodbridge ASB students (28 in total, ranging from 9th-12th grade) plan events to unify the school (such as Homecoming, pep rallies, dances), promote spirit across the campus (athletics, arts, academics), spread awareness of important issues (community service efforts, student wellbeing, etc.), and gain leadership experience while doing all of these things. ASB is a huge commitment that involves many hours after school and on weekends. ASB members also have to be enrolled in the Leadership class, so this commitment would also take up one of your class periods in your 8-period schedule. ASB members must reapply each year and/or run for election. Make sure you check out the job descriptions and sample schedule linked in the sidebar. Some ASB positions have prerequisites. Some positions are elected (voted on by the school), and others are appointed (decided on by a committee through applications and interviews). Freshman Class President and Freshman Class Vice-President join ASB through a separate process: see information below.


Each class has a class council of 20 students and a teacher advisor, who represent their class. They are led by the Class President and the Class Vice-President. There are 18 Class Council members in addition to the two officers. Class council activities depend on each grade and include (but aren't limited to) fundraising, planning homecoming skits, planning prom, decorating pep rallies, dancing in the spring pep rally, and organizing grade t-shirt sales. Class council involves lunchtime meetings and some after school commitments, not a class period, so it’s a good way to get involved if you’re not ready yet to commit fully to ASB. Class council members must reapply each year and/or run for election. 

For current 9th-11th graders: Class President and Class Vice-President will be elected during ASB Elections. Eight Class Council Members will be elected through Class Council Elections. Ten more Class Council Members will be appointed in interviews by the Class Officers, Class Advisor, and Elected Class Council members. This process starts in February with ASB Elections and finishes by the time school gets out.

For current 8th graders, the process is slightly different: Freshman Class President (ASB), Freshman Class Vice-President (ASB), and 8 Freshman Class Council Members are determined through applications and interviews in April.  Starting the first day of school, the second round of applications for Freshman Class Council opens. During this second round, 10 students will be appointed by the committee (Freshman Class Advisor, Freshman Class President and Vice-President, and the 8 Freshman Class Council members). At the end of this second round, the Freshman Class Council will now be complete with its 20 total members. Students who apply in the spring process (while in 8th grade) and do not make it will be able to apply again in the fall (when they arrive at WHS). Applications are open to any WHS freshman. 

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Activities and ASB

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Activities and ASB Staff

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ASB Results

Results for ASB and Class Council Elected and Appointed processes will be posted here.