New Student Orientation (Virtual)
Welcome to our newest Warriors! Access your virtual Orientation through your Orientation group's Google Classroom:
Logging into your group’s Google Classroom will ensure that you are in the right place for the new student orientation on Wednesday, August 12th!
From an internet browser (Chrome is preferred), log into You MUST be logged in to your IUSD Google account, so you may need to log out of your personal Google account on Chrome to see the Classroom.
If you are new to the district: For your IUSD Google Account, you can find your unique network ID/username on Aeries Parent Portal and add (ex. The password will be your 8- or 9-digit student ID number.
You will see individual tiles for each Google Classroom you are a part of. Since you have been placed in your group already, you will see a Google Classroom tile called Group # WHS Orientation 2020. Click “Join” in the bottom right corner of the tile.
You will now be able to access your group’s Google Classroom. Your leaders will use this platform to publish the link to the live stream as well as your individual group meeting for August 12. You can also use this space to ask questions about WHS!