Special Bell Schedules 3/18-3/19

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This month we will have two special bell schedules for all students on Tuesday, March 18th and Wednesday, March 19th. Please read below for all the details.

Our 11th-grade students will participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) tests. These computer-based assessments measure student academic progress in core subjects, reflecting California’s standards and skills that are essential for college and career readiness. All 11th-grade students are required to attend school starting at 8:30 AM for CAASPP testing on both 3/18 and 3/19. 

Our 9th, 10th, and 12th grade students who are not participating in the CAASPP testing will begin their school day at 11:25 AM, with a shortened block schedule. 

Thank you for your partnership in ensuring a smooth CAASPP testing experience for our 11th-grade students.