Last Week of School and Spring Finals Schedule

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Monday, June 3rd will be a Late Start Day, and all students (grades 9-12) attend their regular classes that day. Students in grades 9-11 will be taking final exams Tuesday, June 4th through Friday, June 7th (schedule below). Grade 12- see Seniors page for more information about senior activities (Senior Schedule and Graduation Information).

Monday, June 3rd
Late Start

Tuesday, June 4th 
Wednesday, June 5th 
Thursday, June 6th 
Friday, June 7th 
Period 0: 8:00-8:55
Period 1: 9:00-9:40
Period 2: 9:45-10:25
Break: 10:25-10:35
Period 3: 10:40-11:20
Period 4: 11:25-12:05
Lunch: 12:05-12:40
Period 5: 12:45-1:25
Period 6: 1:30-2:10
Break: 2:10-2:20
Period 7: 2:25-3:05
Period 8: 3:10-3:50
Period 1: 8:30 – 10:30
Break: 10:30-10:45
Period 5: 10:50-12:50
Period 2: 8:30 – 10:30
Break: 10:30-10:45
Period 6: 10:50-12:50
Period 3: 8:30 – 10:30
Break: 10:30-10:45
Period 8: 10:50-12:50
Period 4: 8:30 – 10:30
Break: 10:30-10:45
Period 7: 10:50-12:50