Dress Code

Dress Code and Personal Appearance

Appropriate dress and personal appearance at Woodbridge High School and at school-related activities shall not include any clothing, attire or accessory that by its appearance, arrangement, trademark, fit, or any other attribute, is unsafe; disruptive; unhealthful; obscene; profane; ethnically, racially or sexually degrading; libelous or slanderous; exposing undergarments; provocative or revealing; advocating unlawful behavior or illegal substances; or suggesting or promoting any affiliation with street gangs or other groups that commit unlawful acts.


If a student is found to be in violation of the dress code, a WHS loaner article of clothing will be issued in order for the student to continue to attend classes and school activities. Students are required to return the cleaned clothing to an Administrator.  A $10.00 fee will be charged for unreturned shirts.


Current examples of inappropriate dress include but are not limited to the following clothing, attire, apparel and accessories:



  • No shoes
  • Socks only
  • Slippers
  • Oversized pants/shorts (your pants/shorts must be able to stay up unaided by a belt as you walk across the room)


Unhealthy and Advocating Unlawful Behavior or Illegal Substances….

  • Displaying references to illegal or controlled substances (Including tobacco, alcoholic beverages, marijuana, etc.).


Unsafe and Suggesting or Promoting Street Gang Affiliation or Other Groups Committing Unlawful Acts [BP 5136(a); or 5136 (a)]….

  • Any combination of clothing which, upon guidance from law enforcement agencies, is considered gang-related (these may change---i.e., bandanas, hair nets, metal belt buckles with gang-style monograms, dangling belts or chain accessories, slippers).


Disruptive, Provocation or Revealing….

  • Clothing considered undergarments
  • Clothing exposing undergarments
  • Clothing exposing excessive midriff, upper torso, etc.
  • Halter tops/bandeaus (exposing front or back)
  • Swim wear
  • Low-cut pants, shorts or skirts
  • Short skirts or shorts (must be at least as long as a “fist’s length” when arms are hung naturally at your side)


Disrespectful logos or negative statements targeting others