Warrior Code of Conduct
1. | Students will attend all their classes (E.C. 48260) | Progressive disciplinary action. Detention, Saturday School, may result in administrator initiating the SARB process. Possible attendance contract to limit student participation in activities. See IUSD attendance policy and expectations in this document. |
2. | All absences must be cleared by a parent or guardian within 1 school day (beyond 1 day absences will be considered truant). Only parents or guardians may write notes or phone in absences.
| Progressive disciplinary action. Detention, Saturday School, parent contact. Teacher discretion on completion of work following truancies and unexcused absences.
3. | Students will arrive to class on time. | Tardy 1-3: Teacher’s discretion (stated in syllabus) Tardy 4-6: Detention, Campus Beautification, Parent Contact Tardy 7-9: Admin referral, Saturday School Tardy 10+: Admin referral, SARB process |
4. | Students will remain on campus during the school day including snack unless they have an Early Dismissal Pass. During lunch students may leave campus if they have a lunch pass indicated on their I.D. (B.P. 5112.5)
| Progressive disciplinary action. Detention, Saturday School, In School or In Home Suspension. |
5. | Students will not use or possess tobacco (including cigarettes, chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes, or vapes) at school or at school-sponsored events, such as athletic contests, dances, performing arts functions, etc. (E.C.48900(h)) (B.P.) 5136.6). | Progressive disciplinary action. Parent contact, mandatory attendance to IUSD Tobacco Cessation Program, alternative to suspension curriculum or program, in home or in school suspension, possible Irvine Police Department (IPD) contact. Repeated offenses will result in Suspension. |
6. | Students will not consume, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or placebos at school sponsored events, such as athletic contests, dances, performing arts functions, etc. (E.C. 48900(c)) (RP. 5131.2). | Progressive disciplinary action. Alternative to Suspension program participation or Suspension from school, required participation in online Substance Abuse Prevention Education Program, as well as follow up with the wellness coordinator, and suspension for 10 school days from all student school-sponsored activities, Irvine Police Department contact, and parent contact. Subsequent offense could result in expulsion and/or possible school transfer. |
7. | Students will not furnish or sell drugs, controlled substances or placebos at school or at school events (E. C. 48900 (c)), (B.P. 5131.66). | Parent contact, suspension and recommendation for expulsion from IUSD. Irvine Police Department notification. |
8. | Students will not fight (E.C. 48900 (A)). | Progressive disciplinary action. Alternative to suspension program referral or in home Suspension, parent contact, possible police intervention. Altercations causing serious injury may result in recommendation for expulsion from IUSD. |
9. | Weapons or facsimile/replica weapons are prohibited (E.C. 49330, 48900 (PC 12021). | Progressive disciplinary action. Possible suspension and may be recommended for expulsion, Irvine Police Department notification. |
10. | Students are restricted from using all electronic signaling and recording devices during the school day. Students will adhere to the IUSD Technology Resources Responsible Use Agreement and WHS Technology policy (signed in agreement at the beginning of each school year), (Refer to BP #5131.6 for exceptions). | Progressive disciplinary action, Detention, Saturday School and possible behavior contract. Consequences based on significance of infraction from revocation of privileges up to and including Suspension or possible Expulsion. |
11. | Students will attend assigned detention and Saturday School (E.C. 48900 (k)). | Progressive disciplinary action. Failure to attend detention will result in Saturday School or alternative. Failure to attend Saturday School may result in in-school or at home Suspension. |
12. | Students will not loiter during class time or scheduled school activities (i.e. assemblies, etc.) Students on a shortened day may not linger on campus or in the parking lot. | Progressive disciplinary action. Possible Detention, Saturday School, or Suspension. Parent cont |
13. | Students must have a valid parking permit and park in designated student parking during the school day. Students must attend Smart Start in order to obtain a Parking Permit from Campus Security. | Warning. Illegally parked cars are subject to citation by Irvine Police Department. Detention, Saturday School. |
14. | Students will park and lock bikes and skateboards/scooters in designated areas. Bicycles, skateboards, roller blades etc. may not be ridden on campus. | Detention, Saturday School, Suspension.
15. | Games of chance that include wagering are not permitted on campus. | Detention, Saturday School, Suspension. |
16. | Students will respect school and private property, refrain from theft of any kind, including the theft of food from the food court (E.C. 48900 (f, I) (P. C. 549). | Confiscation, Detention, Saturday School, Suspension |
17. | Students may not possess, steal or fraudulently use school documents, records (i.e. passes, forms) (E.C. 48900 (k)). | Restitution, Saturday School, and/or Alternative to Suspension. Subsequent offense may include Suspension, Irvine Police Department notification. Robbery or extortion results in Suspension and may result in expulsion from IUSD. |
18. | Students and staff will be treated with respect (E.C. 48900(i)). Students will refrain from willful defiance of authority or disruption of school activities. | Saturday School, Suspension, may result in expulsion from IUSD. |
19. | Students will adhere to the current WHS dress code policy included in the re-registration material and on the WHS website. (CAC. Title 5 Sec. 302 Reg. 77)(B.P.5145.7) | Change into appropriate clothing or utilize WHS loaner clothes. Progressive discipline action to include parent contact, detention, Saturday School, etc. |
20. | Student locker use is a privilege, and lockers are subject to search at any time. | Saturday school, suspension, confiscation, restitution. |
21. | Physical hazing, bullying, including bullying by means of electronic device, harassment, threats or intimidation, sexual harrassment, hate violence, and other incidences of mob violence are prohibited (E.E. 48900a), (RP.5145.7), (E.C. 422.6) | Progressive disciplinary action. Subsequent offense may include Suspension, Irvine Police Department intervention. Severity of incident may result in suspension and/or possible expulsion. |
22. | Students will refrain from verbal, emotional, social, physical, and cyber harrassment, intimidation, or bullying whether student-to-student or student-to-adult because of one or more of the following actual or perceived characteristics of the victim including but not limited to: disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics (PC 422.55, EC 220). | Progressive disciplinary action, Detention, Saturday School. Subsequent offense may result in Suspension, Irvine Police Department contact and/or depending on severity of incident, possible suspension and/or expulsion. |
23. | Students must adhere to the WHS cell phone policy. Cell phones are to be stored in the school-provided storage system in each classroom during classtime. | Progressive discipline action: Violation #1: Phone confiscated and returned at the end of the day. Violation #2: Phone confiscated and returned only to parent/guardian at the end of the day. Detention assigned. Violation #3+: Phone confiscated and returned only to parent/guardian at the end of the day. Saturday School assigned. Possible behavior contract or other disciplinary consequences on violations beyond 4. |